Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 25

I have strep throat. I think there has been flu/sick in me for 3 weeks now. But today I went to the Dr. and yup. Side affects are still the same and I'm adding, "lowers immune function" to the top of it. My face really hurts and the inside of my nose is a bloody cave. Moody all the time. Haven't really had the swings since high school. Still going with the sad's caused by side affects....like my constant dehydration....my STREP....among other just uncomfortable things.

I have to do my blood test this week for my Appt. for Accutane month Deux next Monday. My blood pressure was real high today when I went in for the strep. Don't know if that was because of fever, accutane or something unrelated.

Haven't worked out since last Thursday. Told Dawnelle (my trainer/lifeparnter/inspiration/the one who kicks my ass) about the Accutane. We agreed I have to be careful. I think being sick now is a direct cause of the meds plus the insane workouts .

The next thing I'm sure will be my liver. Hopefully the blood work is OK (assuming I get time to do that) and then we'll have a ton to talk about next Monday.

Poss not working out all week. Might get fat really fast. :/

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 12

Holy dryness batman.

It's like being in a desert, despite having all the water in the world. My lips are cracked, I wouldn't be able to cry if I wanted to and the skin has started slowly peeling off me.

The workouts haven't changed much. I'm still doing the same thing.....despite having my best friend in town this weekend and um....drinking, well, a lot......which I know is bad. Only post workout symptom is the lightheadedness. I've actually lost 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks....despite not changing any eating habits. Water weight?

Still get nauseous a lot and I may becoming a bit irritable. Don't know if that is just a response from the post weekend drinking.

Starting to actually see some improvement on the chest and back!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Starting out.


I started taking Accutane. I'm a 26 year old male who has a busy job at an advertising firm. Never since 15 has my skin been this bad. I don't know if there is a hormonal shift or what, but 26 is awkward enough without dealing with acne.

The side affects of Accutane are nuts. And I plan on documenting them here. As I'm an avid runner, biker, yogi and lifter....I want to create a space to discuss how this serious medicine impacts both the body and mind.

I'm going to post some pics of the current acne status.

Current workout: Spin/yoga 5 times/week. Heavy lifting 1 time a week. Running-not happening. Swimming once a week (1 mile).

Accutane: Day Uno.

Noticed something weird around 10 am. Huge headache and blurry vision. Peripheral vision almost gone.
Felt like I was going to throw up for 2 hours after lunch.
Went to the gym for Spin/yoga. Came home.....had a glass of wine. Now feel completely sick with a headache and don't know if I can eat dinner. Drinking on this isn't recommended because of liver complications. I now see that isn't going to be an issue for the next 6 months as the nauseous pavlovian response to alcohol will kick in soon.

I wasn't fully prepared to feel this shitty on the first day. Also really tired. Trying to stay up until at least 9.